Monday, February 1, 2010

Daily Scribe for 1-29-10
Today in class we were focusing on how advertisers decide what, where, and when to advertise. When is the right time to advertise? Do you want to target a specific audience? What channels should you advertise this probust on? These are all questions that advertisers ask themselves when they are advertising a product.
We finished problem 1.1 and started 1.2. We decided which advertisements would be the best to persuade people to buy them.
To figure out how to decide which advertisement mwould be the most effective, read the advertisement over and ovver and see if the wording is easy to understand and if the numbers are easy to figure out instantly.
To understand what the advertisement is saying, take the number(s) and make an equation or write a sentence that has easy wording.
Then, find other ways you could advertise the information.
By:Sarah Zolondick

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