Sunday, June 6, 2010


1. We learned that the equation y=mx+b is a very important equation to know. We learned y is the dependant variable, m is the rate, b is the y intercept and x is the independant variable. The y intercept is the point that crosses or intersects with the y axis on a graph.

2a.)For a table, you can use it to solve a problem by seeing the constant rate and then put them in the problem you are trying to solve. For a graph you count the intervals between the points. Then, the intervals you found is your constant rate that you have in your equation or the variable m.

2b.) I have used an equation to solve a problem, by substituting the variable, with what ever number you are using. I used an equation in problem 2.3, where when I wanted to find out how much 100 shirts cost; I replace the variable with 100. 49+n, then I replaced n with 100, 40+100=$149. That’s how I used equation to solve a problem.

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