Sunday, June 6, 2010

1. A relationship is linear by the equation y=mx+b. This equation means that y, or the dependent variable or the answer, is found doing m times x plus b. M is the variable for the rate of the problem. An example from Problem 2.1, Henri's walking rate was 2 meters per second. X is the independent variable or input. B is the variable for the y-intercept, the point on a graph where the graphed data line crosses the y-axis. So in this equation the rate times the input plus the y-intercept equals a linear relationship.

2.a. A table can be used to solve a problem in a linear relationship by using the other information described in the problem to be put into a table. The data from the table will help with solving the problem because the table is made according to the problem. When a graph is used to solve the problem, all you need to do after creating the graph from the data and/or table, is to use that information from the axes and linear line to be context clues for the problem.

b. An equation is simple for solving a problem in a linear relationship because all you need to do is substitute the variables from the linear equation, y=mx+b, with the data in the problem. For example, is m=2, x=3, and b=13 (determined from the information of the problem), you now solve it. This becomes y=2•3+13, so y is 18.

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