Thursday, January 14, 2010

Daily Scribe ♥

A few days ago in class, we did problem 4.1 on page 61.
On number 1, we were trying to figure out the ratios of the rectangles. A is a 12 by 20. B is a 6 by 10. C is a 9 by 15 and D is a 6 by 20.

Ratio-Is a comparison between 2 quantities. ( For example, like lengths)

Problem 4.1
A1. Ratios
A- 3/5

2. A, B and c are all similar because they have the same angles and all have the same ratios. If the shapes are similar the ratios are equivalent.

3. From B to A the scale factor is 2. From the scale factor, I can tell that A's side lengths are 2x's longer than B's side lengths. (From b - c its 1.5) (from c- A its 1 1/3)

4. The scale factor shows us how much larger the shape will be and the ratio tells us if the shape is similar or not.
Paralelagram E- 10/8 = ratio-1.25 (68 degreese)
Paralelagram F=7.5/6= ratio-1.25 ( 52 degreese)
Paralelagram G=6/4.8=ratio- 1.25 (52 degreese)

2. Are all these paralelagrams similar???
The answer is no. You might think they are similar but they really are not. If you look at paralelagram E, It has a 68 degree angle. F and G have a 52 degree angle. They are not similar.

The scale factor from
E to F is .75
10/8 ---> 7.5/6 Scale factor is .75 =]

*************Even though the ratios of side lengths are equivalent and there is a scale factor between the parallelograms corresponding angles are different measures so only F and G are similar !!!!!**********************************************************************


Moving on to a doggy named Duke ( number 26 on pg 70)

In the directions it says- Here is a picture of Duke, a real dog. The scale factor from Duke to the picture is 12.5%. Use an inch ruler to make any measures.

A. How long is Duke??
Duke is 44 Inches long.
How did we get that??- Well, if we take 12 1/2 % that is equivalent to 1/8 (which is the scale factor from Duke to his picture) So, we measure Duke and he is 5 1/2 inches wide. Now we take the scale factor from the picture to real Duke ( which is 8) and multiply that by 5 1/2 so 5 1/2 * 8= so the real Duke is 44 inches long. ☺

B. How tall is Duke?
Duke is 24 inches tall.
We got that by doing the same thing as A, but just switching numbers. So, we measured Duke with our rulers and he appears to be 3 inches tall so, we take 8 (the scale factor from the picture to the actual Duke) and multiply it by the 3 inches. 8*3=24 inches tall. The real Duke is 24 inches tall.

♥ Kelcey ♥ ☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻

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