Friday, January 8, 2010

Daily Scribe

Today in class we did a Math Reflection Gallery Walk which is like a rough draft for the Math Reflection final. It consisted of 3 questions:

1. How can you tell if two polygons are similar?

Answer: You can tell if two polygons are similar by whether or not they have a scale factor. For example, if one polygon had dimensions of 4 and 6 and another polygon had dimensions of 8 and 12, the 2nd polygon is 2x bigger (length wise) than the 1st polygon so the scale factor would be 2.

2. If two polygons are similar, how can you find the scale factor from one polygon to the other? Describe how you find the scale factor from the smaller figure to the enlarged figure. Then, describe how you find the scale factor from the larger figure to the smaller figure.

Answer: You find the scale factor from the smaller figure to the enlarged figure by figuring how many side lengths of the smaller figure go into the enlarged figure. Like, 4 and 6 with 8 and 12, 4 goes into 8 twice and 6 goes into 12 twice so the scale factor is 2. You can find the scale factor from the enlarged figure to the small figure because it's the reciprocal of the scale factor from small to large, so the scale factor is 1/2.

3. For parts (a)-(c), what does the scale factor between two similar figures tell you about the given measurements?
a. side lengths
b. perimeters
c. areas

a. You can use the scale factor to find the similar side lengths because the side lengths would be the scale factor times the original side lengths to get the side lengths of the bigger polygon. For example, if one side is 4, you can do 4*2 to get 8 and 8 would be the length of the similar line.

b. You can use the scale factor to find the perimeter because the perimeter would be the scale factor times the perimeter to get the bigger polygon's perimeter. If the dimensions of the smaller polygon are 4 and 6, the perimeter is 20. And the dimensions of the larger polygon are 8 and 12, so the perimeter is 40. So that means the perimeter is 2x bigger than the smaller polygon, which is the same as the scale factor.

c. You can use the scale factor to find the area because the area of the larger polygon would be the scale factor squared times the area of the smaller area. So if the area of the smaller polygon (4 by 6) was 24, the area of the larger polygon (8 by 12) would be 96 because the scale factor is 2 and the 2 squared is 4 and 4*24 is 96. The way you can check is because 8*12 also equals 96 and its the same number so it is correct.

☺That is what we did in math today!☻

1 comment:

  1. Today in class we learned about ratios. We learned the definition of "ratio" by using the Frayer Vocabulary Model. The definition is a ratio is a comparison of two quantities. An example is a 3 by 6 square and a 6 by 12 square. A non-example would be a 5 by 2 shape. We practiced by having the ratios in a table and converted them into decimals. We learned that similar figures have the same decimal ratio and similar figures have equivalent ratios of sides. If the ratio is 10/8 another ratio of the same value would be 5/4, it is also the same as 15/12. Then we started problem 4.1

    1/12/2010 Corey K
