Sunday, May 2, 2010

Daily Scribe

Friday in class we continued to work on how to solve equations. Mostly, we focused on equations that have negative numbers in them, or you have to use a negative number in order to solve it. For example:

When you are solving and equation like this you have to remember that whatever you do to one
side, you have to do to the other in order to maintain balance.
For example:
7 + 3x = 5x + 13
-7 -7 Subtract & from each side
3x = 5x + 6

Now, you have to make the equation so one side is equal to x and the other to a number.

7 + 3x = 5x + 13

-7 -7 Subtract 7 from each side
3x = 5x + 6

-5 -5 subtract 5 from each side
-2x = 6
/ -2 / -2 divide by -2 on each side

Now you have a negative number one one side and a positive on the other. You still have to get one side to x so you would divide -2 by -2 and 6 by -2 in order to get the answer.
x= -3

Now that you have solved the equation you want to check your answer. You do that by plugging in the number you figured out that x was, anywhere in the equation where you see there is an x. Then you follow the order of operations in order to solve the equation. In the end, if the answer is correct both numbers on each side of the equal sign should be the same.
For example:

The equation was: 7+3x=5x+13

The answer we got is: x=-3

*reminder- the order of operations is PE
or Parentheses Exponent Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction

Now check to see if the answer is correct.


7+ (-9)= (-15)+13

-2 = -2

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