Tuesday, April 13, 2010



1. In a linear relationship, the independent varible and dependent varible change. Because it's a linear relationship, the varibles increase and decrease at a constant rate. Meaning, when the independent varible changes, the dependent varible changes at the same, constant rate. For example, independent and dependent varibles change at a constant rate if you are having a walk-a-thon where you pledge money for the miles someone walks. You may pay somebody $3.00 for every mile they walk as a pledge plan. The independent varible is the distanace, or miles they walk. Every mile the independent varible increases, the dependent varible, the money, increases by $3.00.

2. a. Graph- In a graph, if there is a linear relationship, then the points on on the graph will be straight. This is because the varibles always increase or decrease at a steady rate in a linear relationship so the coordinate points will be in a straight line throughout the graph.

b. Table- In a table, if there is a linear relationship, all the numbers that represent the data will show a constant rate at which the numbers increase or decrease. For example from the walk-a-thon problem I explained, the table will look like this:

Miles Money
1 3
2 6
3 9
4 12
5 15 and so on...

These numbers and the numbers that continue the rate rise at a steady rate of 3.

c. Equation- In an equation, if there is a linear relationship, you will be able to see a steady rate at which you multiply the varibles by. In the walk-a-thon problem, the steady rate would be 3 because every 1 mile the person walked, the pledge plan gave them $3.00. In that problem, the equation would be: m=3d

m-money d=miles(distance)

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