Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Daily Scribe Tues. April 27

Today we learned how to find an answer to an equation using coins and pouches. With these problems, you find how many coins are in a pouch. For example...

C= coins P=pouches


So first you put
3p (3 pouches)+4 (the 4 coins on the side it was with) =10 (total coins on the other side)

Then you do
-4 -4

So you subtract 4 from 4, or in any problem, the number of coins on the pouches side. Then you'd subtract 4 from 10, or 4 from the 10 coins on the other side.

You see after you do the first steps you see 3p=6

So then you'd do

3 3
1p= 2

So 3 divided by 3 is 1, so you have 1 pouch. Then you do 6 divided by 3 and get 2, so there's 2 coins per pouch.

This is what we learned in class.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Daily Scribe for 4/26/10

Today in class, we began to focus, among other things, upon mantaining an equivalent value between two things.
In other words, we were learning how to keep a balance.

We did a labsheet involving "gold coins" and "diplomatic pouches". The idea was that each pouch contained a certain number of gold coins. On one side, there was a certain amount of gold coins, and perhaps a pouch or two. On the other side was a diferent amonut of coins, and possibly pouches. By eliminating the same number of coins and pouches on each side, we were eventually able to come up with one pouch, and however many gold coins.

For pouches, I am going to use X's. For coins, I am going to use Y's.


A) y y y y y y y y y y = x x x y y y y

10 y's = 3 x's plus 4 y's. First, you can eliminate 4 y's from each side. The new equation will be:

y y y y y y = x x x

So, 6 y's = 3 x's. This means 1 x = 2 y's.

Therefore, if x means pouches and y means coins, there are 2 coins per pouch.

B) x x x y y y = y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

3 x's plus 3 y's = 30 y's, so you can eliminate 3 y's from each side.

x x x = y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

3 x's = 27 y's, so 1 x = 9 y's. Therefore, there are 9 coins per pouch.

B2) x x y y y y = y y y y y y y y y y y y

2 x's and 4 y's = 12 y's. This means that 4 y's can be taken from each side.

x x = y y y y y y y y

2 x's = 8 y's. This means that 1 x = 4 y's. In other words, there are 4 coins per pouch.

B3) x x x = x x y y y y y y y y y y y y y

3 x's = 2 x's and 12 y's, so this time 2 x's can be eliminated from each side.

x = y y y y y y y y y y y y

x = 12 y's, so there are 12 coins per pouch.

B4) x x x y y y = x x y y y y y y y y y y y y

3 x's and 3 y's equals 2 x's and 12 y's. First take 2 x's away from each side.

x y y y = y y y y y y y y y y y y

1 x and 3 y's = 12 y's, so now 3 y's can be taken away from both sides as well.

x = y y y y y y y y y

x = 9 y's. Therefore, there are 9 coins per pouch.

B5) x x y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y = x x x x x y y y

2 x's and 21 y's = 5 x's and 3 y's. First take away 2 x's from each side.

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y = x x x y y y

21 y's = 3 x's and 3 y's, so now eliminate 3 y's on each side.

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y = x x x

18 y's = 3 x's, so 6 y's = 1 x. There are 6 coins per pouch.


That was a run-through of pretty much everything we covered in class today. Hopefully, you have now gained a clearer understanding of equivalent balances!


Grace T :)

Moving Straight Ahead Problem 3.2

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Math Reflection 1

1. In a linear relationship, the dependent variable changes as the independent variable changes. A linear relationship is when the variables go up at a steady rate. For example, if someone starts off with $100 at the beginning of the week, then is left with $80 the next and $60 the next and so on, then the money (dependent variable) is decreased at a steady rate, as the days (independent variable) is also decreasing at a steady rate. The rest of the week would look like this:
Number of Days – Money Left
0 - 100
1 - 80
2 - 60
3 - 40
4 - 20
5 - 0

2. The pattern of change for a linear relationship shows up in a table if the numbers change by decreasing or increasing at a certain rate. For example, if the table:

Miles walked-Time in minutes
2 - 20
3 - 30
4 - 40
5 - 50
The number of miles increases by 1 mile every 10 minutes, so the pattern of change would be 1 mile

The pattern of change for a linear relationship shows up in a graph is the data points are connected in a straight line. For example,

In this graph, the data points are lined up in a straight line, so this shows that the pattern of change in the graph is linear. If the data points were scattered in different places on the graph, then it would show that the points would not be lined up correctly, so there would not be a linear relationship.

The pattern of changes for a linear relationship shows in an equation if the variables are being multplied of divided. Equations are usually used for linear relationships, so if data is not linear, then there usually no equation. For example, in the equation m=20w (w=weeks) (m-money left), since the variable is multiplied, it would be a linear relationship.

MSA mr 1

1) In a linear relationship, as the dependent variable changes at a constant rate, the independent variable goes up at a constant rate too. For example: If John had $100 for his snack money and spent $10 each week, both of the variables will decrease at a steady rate every time John spends $10. The dependent variable would be the number of weeks because the number of weeks depends on how much money you have. The independent variable would be the amount of money, which in this case would be $100 total. If you had a table and graph, you would see that at each week, the amount of money on the y axis would go down $10 at a constant rate.

2) The pattern in a linear relationship shows up in the table, graph, and equation and goes up, down or stays the same at a constant rate. For example, If Jen had $400 and she spent $50 a day, the table would go down at a steady rate on both the x and y axis’s.

(independent)Amount of money left / (dependent)number of days
$400 / 0
$350 / 1
$300 / 2
$250 / 3
$200 / 4
$150 / 5
$100 / 6
$50 / 7
$0 / 8

From the table, the y axis goes down by $50 at a constant rate each day. On the x axis the number of days go up by 1 at a constant rate each day.
If the pattern is a linear relationship, the graph should go up or down or stay the same at a steady rate and make a straight line, such as the graph below. As the dependent variable changes, the independent variable also goes up, down or stays the same at a constant rate.

If you start out with $400 and every day you spend $50, all of the money would be used up by day 8. The variables form a straight line if the pattern is linear.

If you wrote out an equation it would be m=400-(50d) (m= amount of money left, d= number of days). So if you were at 2 days (you replace variable d), you would do : 400- (50 * 2)= m so if you do order of operations you would get $300 left after 2 days. Another example would be if you were at 7 days you would do: 400- (50*7)= m. M would equal $50.

In the table, graph and the equation, the linear relationship can go up, down or stay the same at a constant rate.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

1.) Describe how the dependent variable changes as the independent variable changes in a linear relationship. Give examples.
In a linear relationship, the dependent variable changes at a constant rate as the independent variable changes. For example, If a person bikes 8 miles per hour, than in 2 hours they would have rode 16 miles. The hours are the independent variable, and the miles are the dependant variable. In this example, the dependant variable goes at a constant rate of 8 miles for every hour. This constant rate would continue and there would be 16 miles for 2 hours, then 24 miles for 3 hours, then 32 hours for 4 hours, and so on.

2.) How does the pattern of change for a linear relationship show up in a table, a graph, and an equation of the relationship?

The pattern of change for a linear relationship shows up in a table because you can see the constant rate and how the numbers change. For example, if there is a table where x went 2,3,4,5 and the y went 20, 30, 40, 50, than this would be a linear relationship. This would be a linear relationship because there is a constant rate. The constant rate for x is +1 and the constant rate for y is +10.

The pattern of change for a linear relationship, shows up in a graph, because the data points on the graph create a straight line. The graph above is a linear relationship because the rate is constant and the line is straight. For the graph above, the constant rate is, for every time that the hours increase by 1, the miles increase by 50.
For the example, look at the top of the page.

The pattern of change for a linear relationship shows up in an equation because the equation is linear as long as there are no exponents. The number in the equation shows the amount of change of the dependant variable.

For example:
t=hours d=miles
This equation means that they are going 7 miles per hour. The 7 is the unit rate of how far they go in one hour. Since there are no exponents, the equation is a linear relationship. Also, the 7 tells you the amount of change. If the number in the equation was 8 than the person would be going faster, at 8 miles per hour.

MSA mr 1

1. As a dependant variable changes, the independent variable changes as well. The independent variable depends on the dependant, when the independent changes so does the dependant. For example, if you had money as a dependant variable and distance in miles as the independent variable, the distance in miles would increase as the money went up. When you graph these the dependant variable goes on the y axis and your independent variable goes on the x axis.

2. The pattern of change shows up in a graph if the line or points are in a straight line. This means that there is a constant rate. A linear relationship shows up in a graph if the numbers increase at a steady rate.


1 $5
2 $10
3 $15
4 $20
5 $25

as the distance increases by one the money increases by 5 dollars. That means it increases at a constant rate.

Math Reflection:)

1. In a linear relationship, the dependant variable changes at a constant rate (up down, or doesn’t change at all) and so does the independent variable. For example, if Sophia starts with $200 but goes shopping every weekend and spends $25 each trip to the mall, the variables will increase and decrease at a steady rate. The two variables in this situation are: the number of weeks (1) and the amount of money Sophia has at the end of the week. (2) As variable 1 increases by 1 week, variable 2 decreases by $25. So both variables either increase or decrease, but at a steady rate.

2. The pattern of change for a linear relationship shows up in a table by the increase or decrease of a number. In a table, the numbers show the pattern of change because you can see the change through the numbers by adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing the differences. For example, if we have the same situation with Sophia, the numbers in the table will decrease by 25 as the weeks increase by 1. The pattern of change shows in the graph the data line going completely straight, with coordinates to represent the numbers. If we have the same situation with Sophia her graph would be a straight diagonally downward line. The pattern of change of a linear relationship shows in an equation by being multiplied, divided, etc. by the dependant variable. In the Sophia problem the equation would look like: M= 200-25w. And the pattern change is the 200-25w so it is shown by division, addition, or in this case, multiplication and subtraction to the dependant variable.

Moving Straight Ahead Math Reflection 1

1. In a linear relationship, the dependent and independent variable go up at a steady rate. For example, say the dependent variable was time (hours) and the independent variable was distance (miles). Bob rode his bike 5 miles in one hour, 10 miles in 2 hours, and 15 miles in 3 hours. This is a steady rate because he is going 5 miles an hour each time. It changes by the same rate. The line on the graph would be straight because the miles are changing by 5 every hour. It has to change by the same rate to actually be a linear relationship.

2. A pattern of change for a linear relationship shows up in a table, graph, and equation of the relationship.

In a table, you can tell if a pattern of change is linear if the numbers are going up at a steady rate. Bob’s table would look like this:


The independent variable (hours) goes up by 1 as the dependent variable (miles) is going up by 5.

In a graph, if the line is straight, then it is linear because it is changing (or not changing) at the same rate. For every hour, Bob rides his 5 miles an hour, so for every hour on the graph, it would go up by 5 each hour. The line is straight, which shows that it’s linear.

In an equation, if you can find a steady rate, then it’s linear. Bob’s equation would be m=5h (m= total miles, h= number of hours). You know that the rate is 5 miles per hour because 5 is in the equation and it’s a unit rate so you can multiply it by any number to find the total number of miles. And after you find a rate, you know it’s linear.

math reflection 1

1. Describe how the dependent variable changes as the independent changes in a linear relationship. Give examples.

In a linear relationship, the dependent and independent variable both change according to the data. Because the dependent variable depends on the independent variable, it has to change as the independent does. For example, if Jason had $30 at the start of camp but spends $5 each day, the independent variable is the day; the dependent variable is the money because the amount of money he has depends on what day it is. So as the dependent variable decreases by 5, the independent by one, for one day. If this example was shown on a graph, the money he has left would go on the y-axis, and day on the x. The graph would show the plots below decreasing by 5 on the y-axis in a straight diagonal line. Because th eday goes across by one on the x-axis, the money must follow along. So in this example you can see how the variables change based on each other.

0 $30
1 $25
2 $20
3 $15
4 $10

2. How does the pattern of change for a linear relationship show up in a table, a graph, and an equation of the relationship?

In a table, the pattern of the numbers change by the same number, the rate. (See the table in 1, the rate is 5.^) The pattern comes from the rate in the table, because you can see that the numbers all relate to one another. In a graph, a relationship is shown by the line it makes. If it is linear, the line will be completely straight whatever way. In an equation, the pattern is shown by the number next to the variable. Example: (D=distance, t=time) d= 3t. This is linear because every "time'' is multiplied by the same number, 3. The pattern isn't really shown on the equation, but the number (or rate) allows you to see that there is a pattern.

MSA mr 1

1) As a dependant varible changes so does the independant. Since the independant variable depends on the dependant, when the independant changes so does the dependant. So if you had money as a dependant variable and distance (miles) as the independant, as your distance in miles increases so does your dependant variable of money. When you graph these the dependant variable goes on the y axis and your independant variable goes on the x axis.

2) The pattern of change shows up in a graph if the line or points are in a straight line. This means the rate is constant. A linear relationship shows up in a graph if the numbers increase at a steady rate. For Example....

Distance Money

1 $15
2 $30
3 $45
4 $60
5 $75

You can see as the distance increases by one the money increases by 15 dollars. That means it increases at a constant rate. To find a linear realtionship in an equation the number is part of that steady rate.

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1. A dependent variable changes as the independent variable changes in a linear relationship because if the relationship is linear, the numbers will increase or decrease at a steady rate. The dependant variable depends on the independent variable, so when the independent variable changes, so does the dependant variable. For, example, the distance depends on the time when a person is walking. If the walking rate is three miles per hour, and the person had been walking for three hours, he/she would have walked nine miles.

2.The pattern of change in a linear relationship shows up in a table when you can see the pattern of the information you are given. For example, the independent variable goes up by one and the dependent variable goes up by two, that would be the pattern. The pattern of change in a linear relationship shows up in a graph when there is a straight line on the graph. For example, if you graphed the data in the example that I gave in my example for seeing the pattern of change in a linear relationship on a table, you would see a straight line of the data on the graph because the relationship is linear. The pattern of change in a linear relationship shows up in an equation when you can multiply any number by the unit rate and it would still make the relationship linear. For example, the unit rate of the data put on the graph is two, which means you could multiply any number by two and still make the relationship linear.

MSA mr 1

1.) Dependent variables change as the independent variables change in a linear relationship, because as the independent variable increases or decreases at a constant rate, so does the dependent variable. Look below for examples.


Table -

In this table, you can see that the independent variable (x) is increasing by 2 at a constant rate, and at the same time, the dependent variable (y) is increasing by 6. The dependent variable depends on the independent variable, because the dependent variable only changes when the independent variable changes, and this is what makes the independent variables independent, and what makes the dependent variables dependent, and this is how the dependent variable change as the independent variable changes in a linear relationship.









2.) In a table, the pattern of change in a linear relationship shows up in a table, because the numbers in the table either decrease or increase at a steady rate, and this is how the pattern of change shows up in a linear relationship in a table. In a graph, the pattern of change for a linear relationship shows up in a graph, because you can see how the line increases in size and decreases in size. This is how the the pattern of change for a linear relationship shows up in a graph. In a table, the pattern of change in a linear relationship shows up in an equation, because you can see how the numbers would increase or decrease in the equation. This is how the pattern of change for a linear relationship shows up in an equation.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Math Reflection 1

1. The dependent variable changes as the independent variable changes in a linear relationship. Usually, the independent variable and the dependent variable will go up or down at a steady rate, or, the dependent variable will not change no matter how much the independent variable changes. In some math problems, you will find that the independent variable changes and the dependent variable will not change, or stay the same. In other math problems, you will find that the independent variable will change by 1, or some other number, and the dependent variable will change by the same number each time, either up or down. For example: a biker rides 3 miles per hour. In 2 hours, she rides 6 miles, in 3 hours; she rides 9 miles, and so on. Each time she rides 1 more hour (hours; independent variable), she goes 3 more miles (miles; dependent variable). Another example is: Marlena is walking in a walkathon. She walks 1.5 meters in 1 second; she walks 3 meters in 2 seconds; she walks 4.5 meters in 3 seconds, and so on. Each time she walks 1 more second, she goes 1.5 more meters. This is why the dependent variable changes as the independent variable changes in a linear relationship.

2. The pattern change for a linear relationship shows up in a table, a graph, and an equation.

The pattern of change for a linear relationship shows up in a graph by showing a straight line. The straight line could be horizontal, diagonal going towards the sky, or diagonal going towards the ground. In a graph, this straight line would be caused by the rate of change. For example: Suzie was doing a walkathon for her school. She recorded her data in a coordinate graph. She walked 2.5 meters per second. So, some of her coordinate pairs are: (1, 2.5), standing for 2.5 meters per second, (2, 5), standing for 5 meters per 2 seconds, (3, 7.5), standing for 7.5 meters per 3 seconds, and (4, 10), standing for 10 meters per 4 second. The line on her graph would look like a diagonal line going tawards the sky.

The pattern of change for a linear relationship shows up in a table by the numbers rising or falling at a constant rate. For example: Nina is walking in a walkathon. Her constant rate is 1.3 meters per second. If she goes at a constant rate of 1.3 meters per second, she will go 2.6 meters per 2 seconds, 3.9 meters per 3 seconds, and so on. First, she goes 1.3 meters per second. Then, she goes another second, so she goes 2.6 meters per 2 seconds. From 1 to 2, she goes 1 more second. From 1.3 to 2.6, she goes 1.3 more meters, and so on. If you continue the pattern, she would go at a constant rate of 1.3 meters per 1 second.

The pattern of change for a linear relationship shows up in an equation because the equation contains the unit rate. For example: Nina’s equation would be:

m=number of meters s=number of seconds


The unit rate shows a steady rate. Because the steady rate is multiplied by the number of seconds, it will tell you the number of meters. You can multiply any number by the unit rate, and have it be linear on a graph, though, you may need a very large graph!



1. In a linear relationship, the independent varible and dependent varible change. Because it's a linear relationship, the varibles increase and decrease at a constant rate. Meaning, when the independent varible changes, the dependent varible changes at the same, constant rate. For example, independent and dependent varibles change at a constant rate if you are having a walk-a-thon where you pledge money for the miles someone walks. You may pay somebody $3.00 for every mile they walk as a pledge plan. The independent varible is the distanace, or miles they walk. Every mile the independent varible increases, the dependent varible, the money, increases by $3.00.

2. a. Graph- In a graph, if there is a linear relationship, then the points on on the graph will be straight. This is because the varibles always increase or decrease at a steady rate in a linear relationship so the coordinate points will be in a straight line throughout the graph.

b. Table- In a table, if there is a linear relationship, all the numbers that represent the data will show a constant rate at which the numbers increase or decrease. For example from the walk-a-thon problem I explained, the table will look like this:

Miles Money
1 3
2 6
3 9
4 12
5 15 and so on...

These numbers and the numbers that continue the rate rise at a steady rate of 3.

c. Equation- In an equation, if there is a linear relationship, you will be able to see a steady rate at which you multiply the varibles by. In the walk-a-thon problem, the steady rate would be 3 because every 1 mile the person walked, the pledge plan gave them $3.00. In that problem, the equation would be: m=3d

m-money d=miles(distance)


1.) In a linear relationship, the dependent variable and the independent variables change. When a relationship is linear, then everything increases or decreases at a constant rate. So the dependent variable increases or decreases as the independent variable increases or decreases. For example, if you were trying to see how much money you could raise for a bike race or a walk-a-thon, and you got money for how far you travel, then the dependent variable is the money, and the independent variable is the distance. If a sponsor says they will give you two dollars for every mile you walk, then as the independent variable increases by one mile, the dependent variable increases by two.
2.) The pattern of change for a linear relationship can show up in a graph, table, and an equation. In a graph, the pattern is shown as a straight line. The numbers go up at a steady rate, so the line shows a steady increase or decrease. For example, If you had to make a graph of 5 numbers where it increases by 5 each time, then your points would be (1,5),(2,10),(3,15)(4,20),(5,25), and those on a graph would make a straight line. In a table, the pattern shows up as the numbers increasing or decreasing at a steady rate. For example, if you had to make a table of someone biking 6 mph for 5 hours, then your table would look like this;
1 6
2 12
3 18
4 24
5 30
The numbers increase at a steady rate on both the x and y values. The pattern of change shows up in the equation because if the equation includes the unit rate, then it is linear and has that pattern. If someone pledges to give $2 for every mile someone bikes, then their equation is (m=money, d=distance) m=2d
That shows that for every mile you ride, you get $2. The unit rate is 2, so this equation is linear

MSA Math Reflection 1

1) In a linear relationship, both the dependent and independent variables change. In a linear relationship the dependent variable usually increases. For example, if you were raising money for a walk-a-thon, the amount of money you have will increase. If you go 10 dollars per hour, there would be a constant rate of 10. When the dependent variable goes up the independent variable goes up. In the example I just gave you, hours would be the independent variable. The hours would increase as time goes on. In conclusion, when the dependent variable goes up the independent variable goes up.

2) The pattern of change is how much something goes up by. In a table you can't see the pattern of change but it is there. The pattern of change is how much each number goes up or down by in the column. For example, if in one column it goes 2, 4, 6, the pattern of change would be 2 because you are just adding 2 to each number. It has to be a constant rate to make it linear. In a graph the pattern of change is how much each dot in the graph goes up by. If the dot is increasing by 6's than the pattern of change is 6. In a equation, the pattern of change is the rate. For example, if the equation is D=8.5H the 8.5 would be the pattern of change because that is what you are multiplying the H by. In conclusion, the pattern of change how much each number decreases or increases by.

MSA Math Reflection 1

MSA Math Reflection 1

1.In a linear relationship, both the independent and dependent variables change. Particularly in a linear relationship the dependent variable increases at a steady rate as the independent variable increases. For example, if the two variables are miles and hours, the miles would be the dependent variable. In a graph if the number of hours increased by 1 and the number of miles traveled for one hour are 5, then the rate would be 5 miles per hour. Let’s say Catlin rode for 6 hours, on a graph, for every one of those 6 hours the distance would increase by 5. Therefore the relationship is increasing at a steady rate and that is what makes the relationship linear. This is how the dependent and independent variables change in a linear relationship.

2.The pattern of change in a linear relationship can show up in a graph, table and equation. In a graph the linear relationship is represented by a straight line, whether it is increasing or decreasing. For example, Jack rides his bike 6 miles for every hour. That means that the rate of change would be 6. This is because for every hour the graph will increase by 6. If he rides for 5 hours, he rides a total of 30 miles. In a graph, Jack’s rate would show up as a straight line or linear relationship. A linear relationship can also show up in a table. This is shown when the dependent variable in a table increases at a steady rate. For example,

Jack’s biking rate- 6 miles per hour

Hours -1 2 3 4 5

Miles - 6 12 18 24 30

Jack’s rate increases at a steady rate therefore the linear relationship is expressed thought this table. The rate of change is also expressed through this table because you can see that for every hour the distance is increasing by 6.

Lastly a linear relationship is expressed through an equation. This is because if the equation includes the unit rate it is a linear relationship. For example,

Jack’s equation D=distance T=time d= 6t

The unit rate is 6 and therefore the equation is a linear relationship. This is because the unit rate can be multiplied by any number of hours and get the distance that Jack traveled for that number of hours.If this equation was shown on a graph the line would be straight and increasing at a steady rate. The rate of change is represented through his equation because since the unit rate is 6, the distance would increase by6 for whatever number of hours. This is why 6 is the rate of change.

Moving Straight Ahead Problem 1.4

Monday, April 12, 2010

msa math reflection 1

Moving Straight Ahead Math Reflection 1

1. Describe how the dependent variable changes as the independent variable changes in a linear relationship. Explain.

The dependent variable changes at the same rate the independent variable does. This means that as the independent variable goes up by a certain number, the dependent variable goes up at a steady rate also, just by a different number. An example would be if the cost of renting a truck is $50 per hour, with $50 being dependent and the number of hours being independent. As the number of hours goes up by one, the cost goes up by fifty more dollars. This shows $50 per hour, and $100 for 2 hours $150 for 3 hours and so on.

1 hour= $50

2 hours= $100

3 hours =$150

4 hours=$200

5 hours= $250

If this were in a table, it would be set up with hours as the X and the cost as the Y. When someone would go to read the table, they would see that each hour the person would have to pay $50

2. How does the pattern of change for a linear relationship show up in a table, a graph, and an equation of the relationship?

In the table, the numbers are shown out so that you can easily see the relationship.For example, if the linear rate of change is that Bob can ride his bike 10 mph, the table would be set up as:

1 ___10
2 ___20
3 ___30
4 ___40
5 ___50
and so on. In this table, you could easily see that each hour, Bob went 10 miles.

In the graph, you can tell it is a linear relationship by the straight line created by the plotted points. For example, if the linear relationship is $12 raised per week, for each week plotted, the point would go up 12 more, to make a straight line. A straight line shows that each hour he went 10 miles, not 9 and not 11. If he went 9 or 11 miles, the line would go up or down faster than it would with a steady rate.

In the equation, you can tell if it is a linear relationship by if it has a variable times (*) a number. For example,




You can tell the distance equals 7 miles per hour, 7 * H, to express the number of hours with 7 miles traveled per each.

Moving Straight Ahead Problem 1.4

Monday, April 5, 2010

Daily Scribe

In class, we did a review for the quiz tomorrow. We used this website called Quia, which has a bunch of games on it that help you practice math. We used it to practice finding percents using proportions, and things like that. An example of a problem we would do is 150 is what recent of 200. To find it, you can either use a scale factor or cross multiplying. You first set up the proportion, like
x/100=150/200. For this one, you could just use a scale factor. To get from 100 to 200, you multiply it by 2, so 150=2x. 150 divided by 2 is 75, so 150 is 75% of 200. A problem where you have to use cross multiplying is what percent of 130 is 45. You would set it up like x/100=7/13. To find out a problem like this, you multiply the denominator of the first number by the
700=x*13 numerator of the second(100*7). The product of that is also equal to the product of the variable x=53.85% and the denominator (x*13). So you divide the first product (700) by the denominator of the second number (13) to get the value of the variable(x).
BLOG FOR 4/5/10

Today in class we started a new unit called Moving Straight Ahead. We got put into groups, went in the hallway and recorded the amount of time it took for one person to walk 10 meters.
For example, in my group,
I walked 10 meters in 7 seconds.
Adain walked 10 meters in 7 seconds.
Kiera walked 10 meters in 8 seconds.
Matt walked 10 meters in 10 seconds.
Then with our groups we worked on problem 1.1. We had to find the unit rate for our times, how long it would take to walk a certain distance, what distance we could walk for a period of time and an equation that represents the distance(d) in meters that you could walk in (t) seconds if you could maintain the same pace.
For Example:
10 meters walked in 7 seconds= 1.4 meters walked in 1 second.
this way you could figure out how long it would take you to walk 500 meters...
500/1.4=357.7 Therefore it would take someone 357.7 seconds to walk 500 meters if they are going at a rate of 1.4 meters per second.

We also learned how to figure out the distance for a certain time frame using our rate.
For Example:
10 minutes=600 seconds
rate- 1.4 meters in 1 second
Therefore at the rate of 1.4 meters per second someone could walk 840 meters in 600 seconds or 10 minutes.

Lastly we learned how to make an equation: What distance you could walk for a period of time and an equation that represents the distance(d) in meters that you could walk in (t) seconds if you could maintain the same pace.

the equation was for the rate of 1.4 meters in 1 second, d=1.4t
This is because to find out the number of meters you could go for any number of seconds the distance would have to be equal to to the unit rate of meters, multiplied by any number of seconds.

This is what we did today in class=]